About Us

Wake Up

It was born as an inner need from the heart, after a difficult moment, to create a space for ordinary people, regardless of social level, skin color, religion, culture or country of residence or birth, can find a place to balance the different areas of our being: body, mind, spirit, and emotions.



Through special places in nature or spaces in cities where we offer services, activities, experiences, and products of “Wellness”. We can support and facilitate the search of each person to live better, and thus maximize our potential in every personal area, and this state of fulfillment with everyone, everywhere. We are all related/connected in this planet and universe.


Who I am?

We are pure and powerful beings seeking happiness and purpose within our earthly existence.

The first step is to understand who we are by asking ourselves essential questions and seeing where they take us. Wake Up is a vehicle, facilitator for our personal evolution.
Wake Up seeks to help us look within, in all four areas of our being mentioned above and balance them through experiences and services we offer in our spaces guided by our seven fundamental values: Respect, community, presence, love, joy, growth and passion.
This is why we will concentrate on connecting with ourselves and thus extend this to those around us, founders, partners, friends,
personnel, clients, suppliers, professionals, schools and others, where we honor our fundamental values.


We opened our first center in New Zealand and now the road has brought us to open our doors in a location naturally and energetically speaking, very privileged, strategically placed close to Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina.

Meet a World. Meet Yourself.

Develop a sustainable network of spaces/retreat centers and wellness professionals, with the purpose of improving people’s quality of life.
Create an ideal synergy of services, experiences, and nature’s energy.

Our Mission


Provide tools and a path for those who seek to develop a healthy body, mind, emotional and spiritual self-connection through services ad products linked to personal evolution.

Our Vision


Develop a sustainable network of centers, places and wellness professionals, in order to improve the global quality of life. This creates an ideal synergy in between the different experiences, services, and products we offer at Wakeup, honoring the concepts of "one-stop shopping" and “value for money”.


Respect / Community / Presence / Love / Joy / Growth / Passion


Alejandro Fava


Andrea Alvarado

Yoga instructor

Máximo Fava

Meditation Instructor

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